WEBTOON: Manga, Comics, Manhwa App Reviews

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Love love love it!

This app is great so far! I love all the webtoon stories! Keep up the work work! :))


welp wheres black haze #justice for blackhaze

App keeps crashing

Ever since the update on June 13th, the app crashes whenever I try to open it. Other than that I loved webtoon, when I could use it.

I love webtoons, always have, but could you guys maybe remove the "Notice" to tell people to get a Line account at the very bottom of the app? I mean its good if you dont have one, but it gets annoying if you do.

Absolutely love!

This is my favorite app! Its amazing! If you like anime and manga and also Korean drama this is the app for you. There are so many stories to choose from and everyone Ive read has never been a disappointment! It is a great app!

Love this APP!

I been reading nonstop! Really great app.


I discovered this app not too long ago and I love the content. The app works very well. Some glitches here an there but overall easy to navigate.


If you love comics or manages, you will love this app!

Saw ad for this: not nearly as good as I thought

1. There were many problems with logging on. You cant access the app without an account either 2. Its not optimized for iPhone 6/6+ so the keyboard is awkward and clunky.

Amazing things

There are amazing comics, art, friends... Its completely worth the download. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.


Crashes on my iPhone 4 since last update.

Cant even log in

When i signed up for webtoon it said thatmy email was already registered so i went to log in and it said it wasnt registered

I can't either, it's SUPER annoying!!! D:<


Great apps and one of my favorite

Easy to use

Friendly usage

I love it

I love reading some and its free it should have more romance tho

I love it, but...

I really really like this app, but just recently it started crashing on me and saying that I had no internet connection even though I had a wifi connection an cellular data!! I tried reinstalling, but it just did the same thing! Please help!!!!

Major issue

Cant even log into the app. Plz fix.

So addictive

I love this app!!! Once you find a good comic you will be Hooked.


Please.. I beg.. DO NOT update to ios 8 because if you update to ios8, i cant access webtoon anymore since my phone is ios7, so please i beg you dont update

Unbelievably addicting and amazing!

I cannot believe I just now discovered this app, like where has it been all my life?! The comics are absolutely amazing and very addicting. There is just one thing- the comment sections. When I try to "agree" with a comment it takes a really long time to do so. Other than that, its great! If you fix the comment thing, Ill be sure to come back with 5 stars!

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